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France: Resah awards national EMR contract to seven vendors

France’s national Hospital Buyers’ Network (Resah) has awarded contracts for hospital electronic patient records for public hospitals nationwide to seven vendors. The contracts affect 850 hospitals across France, which are part of the public sector area hospital groupings, or GHTs. The contract, worth 25 million euros, is valid for four years.

Vendors awarded contracts are: Agfa Healthcare; Cerner; Dedalus; Intersystems; Maincare Solutions; Pharmagest; and Softway Medical.

Agfa has sold its healthcare information systems business to Dedalus. However, the deal had not been completed when Resah issued the contracts.

The contract specifies an EPR/EMR that manages: arrivals; patient identifier details; bed management and status; appointments; prescriptions; pathology and labs; imaging; clinical data integration; activity collection; HIS integration; and integration with the national EHR (DMP) and regional health systems.

Further applications that can optionally be covered by the contract include: blood transfusion record management; surgery (OR); anaesthesia; post-anaesthesia care; obs and gy; and psychiatry.

The GHTs are a relatively new creation, established in July 2016. There are 135 GHTs in mainland France, supporting around 850 French public sector hospitals.

