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Austria expands EHR, adds vaccination e-record

Austria is planning a vaccination e-record as part of its response to the COVID-19 health crisis. A pilot programme is currently under development. The country is also expanding the scope of its ELGA EHR to incorporate greater physiological and medical imaging data integration.

Austrian health minister Rudolf Anschober discussed the scope and preparations under way for the pilot vaccination e-record at a meeting of the budgetary committee of the Austrian parliament.

According to Mr Anschober, outline planning for the new e-record has already been completed. The new e-record will build on the capabilities of Austria’s existing ELGA EHR system. Technical and organisational preparations should be complete by the beginning of June, Mr Anschober told MPs.

The states of Vienna, Styria, and Lower Austria have already committed to the pilot programme. Other states in the Austrian Federation have expressed interest in joining the pilot programme.

The new e-record will be used not only for any potential future COVID-19 vaccine. It will also be used for routine vaccinations, including HPV and annual influenza vaccines.

The Austrian Government is expanding the scope of the country’s EHR, the ELGA. A living will function is being added, similar to developments in Spain. The Government is also seeking greater integration with laboratory results and medical imaging data from third party providers.


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